Hand Book: Gather's Scrips
Finding Nodes
Gathering Log: How to use.View in Desktop mode for the best experience.
First, go to your "Gathering Log" the default
key binding is 'B' then go over to the Collectibles
tab and see what nodes you have available.By clicking the node, it will show you where to
gather the item.By hovering over the location
it will show you the time that the node spawns.By clicking the location, it will open the node up on the map.
Knowing your buttons
After you click the Node that you want to gather, a new HUD will pop up used for the Collectability of a Rarefied node.
Scour (The Green Button) is your primary ability for Raising the Collectability of an Item, you will generally only hit this button 3 times per node, so you have at least 2 extra gathering attempts or more.Each time you click this the green bar will go up, indicating its Collectability rating.Also, you will lose 1 integrity, otherwise known as your gathering attempts.
Brazen Prospector
Brazen Prospector will sometimes allow you to get extra Collectability. Although you will get less than normal too, it's a gamble for extra points.Best to not really use it.
Meticulous Prospector
Meticulous Prospector is an ability that gives less Collectability but has a chance to be free, meaning you don't have to pay an Integrity point to use it.Best to only use this if you're super close to reaching max Collectability and want to try for that extra gathering attempt. Otherwise, don't use it.
Scrutiny is an ability that you will use before Scour, to boost its effectiveness.Note: It costs 200GP, so if you're going to use it make sure your GP is up.Until you are high enough level that the node doesn't need this action to get to max Collectability, you will pretty much always use this.
Solid Reason/ Ageless Words
You have an extra ability that can be helpful that is not in your normal Collectability HUD.-Solid Reason for MIN-Ageless Words for BTNBoth actions will Increase your integrity by 1 point. Use it after you have raised the Collectability rating, so you don't waste it.Note it costs 300 GP make sure you have enough GP.
After your collectability rating is high enough to meet your needs then Its time to hit that Collect button and reap the Rewards.
Collect does exactly what it says it will; gather up 1 piece of the Rarefied ore that you have been after.Depending on how much Integrity you have left after raising its collectability determines how many times you can collect the item.